Did You Know?

  • Equipment serial numbers can be traced back to you or your business. If they are used illegally or inappropriately, they can come back to haunt you.

  • Throwing a computer or any IT equipment into a trash bin does not ensure that someone will not retrieve your equipment and data at a landfill.

  • Cell phones, network printers, PDA’s and phone systems are other types of IT equipment that may hold company sensitive data.

  • It is not a good idea to throw anything with your name or your company’s name into a landfill. Your clients and employees may interpret this as social irresponsibility.

  • Computers and electronics contain various hazardous and toxic materials which can devastate our environment and livelihoods.

  • Erasing or formatting the hard drive DOES NOT prevent someone from retrieving proprietary information from your hard drive.

  • The number of personal records jeopardized via data breaches since January of 2005 exceeds 250,000,000.

  • On the average, identity theft victims spend in excess of 175 hours spanning 14 months and over $1,000 in out-of-pocket expenses to clear their names and to restore their credit.

  • You may think you have "old" information. Some information such as Social Security Numbers do NOT change. Negligence results in severe penalties and fines.

  • Regular trash collectors are not trained nor is their business obligated to protect your confidential information. They are also not required to recycle – only to dump.

Protecting you from IT

29601 Solon Road, Solon, OH 44139 | Phone 216-424-3400

Website by Digital Decibels.